Thursday, January 8, 2009

Greatest (some may say Nerdiest) thing I've seen today

If I came away from my survey of British and American Literature course at Vassar (R.I.P. ENGL 220-221) it was a healthy fascination/slight love for Samuel Johnson's Dictionary. Not altogether surprising, considering one of the lecturers was Bob DeMaria, who loves Johnson more than Johnson loved his cats (coincidentally, it's unclear who loves their cats more, Sam Johnson or Paul Kane...). 

As strange, erudite and seemingly grumpy - I mean, have you seen this guy? - Johnson was, his dictionary is awesome. I have an 1833 edition - it was a gift. It's like the OED, but tangible, older, somehow more.. crafted. Imagine deciding to catalogue the words of the English language and selecting the best literary uses for said words. And spending 9 years of your life to do it. That's dedication, Sammypants.

Second-best to the real thing, is what I discovered today: the dictionary, in blog form.  Brilliant. Instant addition to google reader.

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