Thursday, October 2, 2008

D to the E to the B-A-T-E veep debate

The hours before the Vice Presidential Debate are tick tick ticking away as the nation's media puts itself at heightened risk for an aneurism due to all the pre-debate coverage (there is roughly a new twitter post every second on the topic). Something about this debate makes me recoil, despite my own excitement - we're having a party in my apartment to watch. Prior to the presidential debate last Friday, the tone grew out of expectations for Obama and McCain as future presidents. The tone surrounding the pre-game coverage today, however, is more vulturous - every outlet, every blogger, is predicting just how and how greatly either Palin or Biden will screw it up. 

A bit to my relief, at least the media doesn't seem to be sitting in wait to feast on the stumblings of Palin alone. Biden is definately facing his fair share of high (or low) expectations, if you can call them that. I first attended to this fear after realizing just HOW BADLY I want her to fuck up, both because I greatly fear the success of the GOP ticket and also because I have felt from the very beginning that she is not the woman to be making these strides. She is not the radical feminist to command my admiration, a la Hillary or Pat (Schroeder), Gloria Steinem or Ellie Smeal. But then again, as a fairly successful and at least respectable female governor, she doesn't deserve to be publically humiliated by rapacious journalists either.  Contradicting myself again, however, I'm inclined to say - "well oh well, that's the political game, grow some balls or get out." But really, do we expect male candidates to grow balls or get out? 

It should be interesting to say the least. 

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